Elderflower & Cucumber 750ml
Elderflower & Cucumber 750ml
A concentrated fruit syrup made from fresh cucumbers, elderflowers and lemon juice.
Tasting Notes
A quintessential British blend, provoking memories of summertime. Cool, crisp and dry with a remarkable cucumber and citrus bloom. Pale golden colour. Sublime nose of dewy cucumber and pungent elderflower intensified by zest of lemon.
Soft pastels and striking bolds of dresses, hats and shoes blend flamboyantly creating a jazzy ‘summer’ palate. A string quartet skilfully plays an enchanting arrangement of Kreisler’s ‘Schon Rosmarin’, interrupted by the improvised laughter and chatter of guests. Waiters and waitresses float around the party like worker bees moving between plants, carrying trays, bowls and buckets of delicious morsels, and rows of twinkling champagne flutes.